Inclusive Massage & Acupuncture in Missoula & Bozeman
Founded on the belief that everyone deserves self-care, Good Medicine’s mission is to provide professional, affordable treatment options for massage therapy and acupuncture services. We keep the cost low so you can always afford to follow the recommended course of treatment, come in for maintenance, and get tune-ups all year round.
We have two Montana locations that offer Massage, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Acupuncture in Bozeman & Missoula.

"...his mobility improved"
"...a life lived with more ease and vitality."
"...you could see the relief..."
After one visit at Good Medicine, you could see the relief on his face. Follow up visits have made my husband the most comfortable I have seen him in years.
"...really listened to my needs..."

Acupuncture is one of the oldest known systems of healing. To this day, more people are treated with acupuncture than any other medicine system in the world. The points used in a treatment can be described as a treatment pattern and are based on a diagnosis made by your acupuncturist. Your acupuncturist may also combine different treatment modalities such as cupping or topical herbal formulas to make sure you get the best results. Acupuncture points can be both local and/or distal to what you have described as the area of treatment. We get the best results when we are not only dealing with the presenting condition but underlying issues as well. This is why you may come in for back pain and leave with the best nights sleep you’ve ever had!
What makes the Good Medicine team so fabulous? We all share the same core beliefs about care, community, and attitude.
- We believe every person has value.
- We believe in the power of good communication.
- We believe everyone deserves access to healing.
We were all drawn to massage therapy and acupuncture because we discovered the power of self-healing. We believe that Good Medicine isn’t a magic wand. It’s a commitment that you and your practitioner make to getting you pain-free, refreshed, and revitalized.
Comprehensive Health Care
We can help with a variety of health issues and health goals. Take the guesswork out of your health with a consultation with one of our experienced therapists. Get a plan that will set you on the track to be the person you want to be.